Sunday, 12 August 2012


A friend and I had a great day making cupcakes!

We first made our 'kiddy cupcakes', with the help of my little sister.  They are so much fun to make because you get to pretend your six years old again and create whatever comes to your imagination!  Not exactly professional looking, however very cute and yummy!

We then made these slightly neater looking white chocolate cupcakes that were also lovely! 

Double chocolate chip cookies

My boyfriend and I had a great day making these mouthwatering double chocolate chip cookies, they were perfectly gooey, chocolatey and delicious!

Father's day tea!

For Father's day - hosted at my house - My mum, sister and I made this gorgeous cake - that tasted delicious if i do say so myself! As I have stated, it was a 'tea' and below in the pictures you can see all the beautiful teacups and napkins laid out for everyone.  It was a lovely afternoon!